The Journey ...

  • Life is all about what you learn from the journey ...
  • Make each day a magnificent adventure...
  • Accept the challenges that come your way...
  • Seize each opportunity that you find...
  • Experience each day with open arms, savouring both victory & strife
  • Only then will you know the joy of life...

About Me

My photo
Noosa, Queensland, Australia
Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over it.

My favourite place in the world...

My favourite place in the world...
Santorini... Breathtaking !!

Friday, October 26, 2007

12 Sleeps before take-off !!

The time is drawing near &, as most would know, I've been running around like the proverbial headless poultry... We recently acquired a new computer - HP Tablet, wow, what a lovely machine. I'm doing my best to find my way around it so as to be up with everything while we're away. For those of you with a little more advanced techno ability, we have Skype so visual & audio communication will be enabled. This should prove fun for the kids as they'll be able to see their friends. Let me know if you have it & we can hook up - maybe have a spot of practise before we head off.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

First Blog

Hello... This is the start of my Blogging !!

Cairns, June 29

Cairns, June 29
Tate & Tony

Captain Jack Sparrow is ready to fly !!