The Journey ...

  • Life is all about what you learn from the journey ...
  • Make each day a magnificent adventure...
  • Accept the challenges that come your way...
  • Seize each opportunity that you find...
  • Experience each day with open arms, savouring both victory & strife
  • Only then will you know the joy of life...

About Me

My photo
Noosa, Queensland, Australia
Hope walks through the fire, faith leaps over it.

My favourite place in the world...

My favourite place in the world...
Santorini... Breathtaking !!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Cairns... Day 3

Another long day looms ahead. Hunter & I bounced out of bed for a walk on the beach at 6.30. I think he was actually trying to con me into letting him buy a souvenir but, unfortunately for him, the souvenir shop was closed !!

We headed off for Kuranda Skyrail at around 9am. As usual, a balmy day in Cairns around 26 degrees. The kids loved the ride. We stopped at a couple of stations in between then out into the lovely village of Kuranda. Tanya, Mike & all the kids dived into the snake attractions (lots of slithering things, spiders & scorpians) while Tony & I took a stroll through the village, picking up the odd souvenir.

By about 1pm we'd had enough & started the trip back down on the skyrail. Once at the bottom, we moved on to Cairns for something to eat at the food market, Tate & Hunter chose to swim in the huge public pool on the Esplanade. Eventually, the group went separate ways before meeting up again back at the house for a well earned rest & Thai Red Curry.

As I write this at 8pm, all the 3 boys are splashing about in the pool.

Snorkeling tomorrow so we'd better get a good night's sleep.

Ciao for now


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Cairns, June 29

Cairns, June 29
Tate & Tony

Captain Jack Sparrow is ready to fly !!